Red Velvet Valentine’s

I have lived in Alaska for almost 12 years.That’s long enough to stop calling all sodas a Coke & long enough for my southern drawl to have mostly faded away. I say mostly because about 5 minutes after I step off of a plane in New Orleans,it all comes flooding back. I suddenly I hear myself saying things like “bamamamas” (if you don’t speak N’awlins that’s by my mama’s). I have no idea how it happens; I don’t call my mom “mama”- EVER. Deep down inside of me there’s still a Southern Bell that needs to rear her pretty little head from time to time. I actually love that I grew up in New Orleans. How can you not love a place with so much character and such great food? One of the foods I love the most is Red Velvet cake.


When I first moved to Alaska I was really surprised by the number of people I knew who had never eaten Red Velvet cake. Its everywhere in the south. It just as shocking as when I discovered kids in other places didn’t get 3 days off of school for Mardi Gras. WEIRD. I’m glad to see that Red Velvet Cake has since gained the popularity it deserves. I think everyone needs a hint of chocolate and rich cream cheese frosting in their lives.


With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching,  I decided to make Red Velvet Cupcakes & top them with fondant decorations.


I’ve learned to make a little bit extra of whatever I’m baking, This keeps the boyfriend happy while I decorate and take pictures. Here is a picture of one”his” cupcakes that I slapped some frosting on real quick. I love the way it turned out.

Can you tell I’ve been experimenting with all kinds of photo editing effects? I have to do something to make my pictures look better; winter in Alaska can be a challenge for food photography.


Here’s the recipe



Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned; more Valentine’s treats to come…